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Our home for "Adebar"

Until the middle of the last century, Wehe was a stork village. They built their nests on the roofs of the Volkmann and Ahlemeier farms. Volkmann farm no. 32 in Langenhorst, now Kemner, had a stork's nest until 1890, when the house burned down. However, the storks had already left this place two years earlier. Another nest was located on the farm Ahlemeier No. 18, today Kolkhorst or "Dögens" Im Strang 1. Here, too, the storks moved away in the early 1950s after the thatched roof was replaced by a tiled roof and further alterations were made later.

After almost 70 years without storks in Wehe, there was hope again in spring 2021. A pile nest erected by our local heritage association and the "Save the white storks" action committee attracted a young stork pair. Despite the breeding attempt, there was no success as the eggs were not fertilized. In the following years, storks repeatedly showed up and fought for the nesting site, but none remained permanently. There are positive signs for 2024: The first storks were spotted as early as February 24 and kept returning to the nest. Should they settle permanently and successfully breed, visitors will be able to follow the storks' development live here.

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