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Our field for school projects

To the south of our site, a farmer friend has made a small field available to us for a joint project with primary school pupils from Tonnenheide school. This project started in 2022 with the theme of potatoes, an important crop for the sandy soils of our region. Under the guidance of Wilhelm Schlickriede, the children prepared the soil and planted four different potato varieties in April: Belana, Cilena, Wega and Rote Laura. As the use of chemicals was avoided, potato beetles had to be collected by hand and weeds had to be weeded.

The harvest took place in September. The potatoes were collected by variety, sorted using historical machines and packaged. Each child received a bag of potatoes to take home. Nevertheless, there were enough potatoes left over to bake Pickert on October 3, our end-of-season event at the Bockwindmühle. The children's families were also invited on this day. In 2023, we ran the "From Grain to Bread" program with another class. The children learned how grain is mown, threshed with a flail and processed into small bread rolls. For 2024, we are planning to revisit the topic "From potato to Pickert".

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