The Dutchman's Windmill in Eisbergen can look back on a varied history. Its present appearance does not suggest that it has already moved once and also burned down. But one after the other: The windmill with the impressive tower was built in 1855 in the village of Eisbergen. The slightly conical tower was raised by 2.5 m in 1907. The mill, which was equipped with a grist, flour and barley mill, underwent an interesting technical development. After the tower was raised, the mill got a new hood, louvered sashes with central adjustment and a wind rose. In order to be independent of the wind, a steam engine was purchased.
Around 1970 the whole operation was stopped, the property changed hands and the mill was to be sold and demolished. To prevent the mill from being sold outside the town, the "Minden-Lübbecke Mill Association" bought the mill and rebuilt it at the end of Eisbergen. Thus it has been preserved as an important mill for the Mühlenkreis. In the storm after "Kyrill" in January 2007, exactly one hundred years after its reconstruction, the mill burned out completely. In the course of the extensive restoration, the mill was given back its old equipment. Today, the technology concentrated here again delights the mill friend, who can be entertained with coffee and cake in the newly built miller's house.
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Müllerhaus Eisbergen
Tel.: 0179-7628953
Helmut Deerberg
Tel.: 05751-8541
Windmühle Eisbergen/Röckemann`s Mühle
Rohen Feld,
32457 Porta Westfalica-Eisbergen