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The more than 200-year-old Dutchman's mill stands on a stately rampart with a high passage. Only since its restoration, which was started in 1991, it is again completely equipped with mill hood, wind rose plant and wind-going sail wings. The "windmill Hummelbeck" is named after the oldest part of the former village of Dützen. The mill was operated by wind until after the First World War. After that the time of technical changes began. The tenant Tiemann took over the mill in 1921 and equipped it first with suction gas drive, then with diesel engine and from 1950 with electric drive.

Around 1940, the hood and wings were removed because they were dilapidated. The tower was closed with a concrete slab. The electric motor was used to operate the mill, which remained only as a torso, until the mill was abandoned in 1989. In 1990, the Dützen local history society, founded in 1987, bought the rest of the mill. Restoration began in 1991, so that milling could resume in 1996. In the same year the miller's house was handed over to its intended purpose. Today, the ensemble of buildings around the Hummelbeck Mill is a popular destination for excursions. Mill lovers can once again experience the 65-year-old motorized mill in operation and enjoy lard sandwiches and butter cake in the miller's house. It is possible to cater for groups of up to 60 people.



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Heimatverein Dützen e.V.
Heinz Piontek
Zechenstraße 7
32429 Minden
Tel.: 0571/5090257

Hartmut Kohlstädt
Tel.: 0571/39882021

Windmühle Dützen/Hummelbecker Mühle
Zechenstraße 7,
32429 Minden-Dützen

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