The post mill Oppenwehe is one of the last three post mills in the Mühlenkreis. With its side pockets, which give it a particularly massive appearance, it is even one of the last of its kind in Germany. The mill, which had its place as a farm mill on the Hüffe manor at the beginning of the 18th century, was sold to the miller Piel in 1868. It was dismantled and reconstructed in Oppenwehe. For the time, this was a feat of transport engineering. It is reported that eight horses were needed to transport the "house tree" alone. In 1873, the new mill was opened. The equipment corresponded to the state of the art at that time. In 1900, a steam engine was added to power the mill and a saw gate. The mill was operated by wind until 1943, when a storm caused a wing to break off and damage the brake. By this time, the mill operation had lost much of its importance. It is not known exactly when the milling officially ceased and how long the mill continued to grind for its own needs.
In 1971, serious considerations were made to preserve the windmill. In the first approach, however, one did not get beyond a half-hearted solution, which only provided for the securing and provisional preservation of the windmill. By this time, however, a greater awareness of the mill had taken hold in the district. The people of Oppenwehe wanted to have a functioning windmill again. As a result, the entire mill was dismantled and all unusable parts were sorted out. The main task, however, was to renew the trestle and the mill house. In 1991 the topping-out ceremony for the new mill was held, and a year later the trestle windmill went before the wind. The wing cross, which was renewed in spring 2011, has windmill wings of "German design". The new wings made of larch wood are lighter than the wings of Dutch design used since 1992.
The Westphalian Mill Road has become one attraction richer with this true-to-the-original wing cross. In the meantime, the Oppenweher mill society have set up a half-timbered house with a tavern and toilets, a mill cottage with 70 seats, a shed for exhibitions and a barbecue area on their premises. On the popular milling and baking days, there are plenty of visitors and the music of the "Oppenweher Mühlenmusikanten" provides a folk festival-like atmosphere.
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Touristinfo Gemeinde Stemwede
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32351 Stemwede-Destel
Tel.: 05745-78899-914 od. -909
Bockwindmühle Oppenwehe
An der Bockwindmühle,
32351 Stemwede-Oppenwehe